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Fireplace Services of Omaha, NE, is proud to offer and stock Pleasant Hearth fireplace doors!

Pleasant Hearth fireplace doors add beauty that could easily become the showcase of your living space. In addition, Pleasant Hearth Fireplace Doors dramatically improve your efficiency by literally up to 90%. Meaning, during summertime keeping the hot air out, while in the cooler months keeping the warm air in your home.


Pleasant Hearth Fireplace Doors utilize functional, yet decorative mesh panels, to increases your family’s safety. Stray sparks could melt the carpet within its proximity or even considerably damage the tile flooring that is nearby.

The mesh panel doors effectively lower the chances of sparks flying out and causing detrimental harm to whatever is in its path. These classy fireplace doors are super easy to install because they come fully assembled and when you see the result, you will know for sure that you made the best choice. It isn’t all about the visual appeal though, every time glass fireplace doors are sealed shut, they can enhance the heat output by triple what it usually does. Glass fireplace doors raise the overall efficiency of the fireplace by functioning as a boundary between your chimney and your home. Without a fireplace door, it creates the same effect as when a window is open, letting the warm air escape. Having a Pleasant Hearth Fireplace Door allows you to keep the warm air inside during those cold winter days. While on the other hand if you open the fireplace doors during the summer is an excellent source of cool air, which drifts into your home.


Gas Logs

Fireplace Services is proud to offer gas logs. Gas log sets can transform existing fireplaces into models of convenience and enjoyability, without the cost of renovation or remodeling. Our gas log sets do not require any change in the appearance or structure of your fireplace, but deliver a realistic, room-enhancing fire any day of the year. Choose from a variety of realistic, hand-painted wood types to place in your gas set to find the option that fits your personal style.

Check out our supplier’s site to view our selection!

Restore and Enhance Your Fireplace with Expert Service and Repair. Call us at (402) 449-1500 Today!